Pine boletus - a mushroom growing among pines
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The first anatomical atlas of Nikolai Ivanovich in Russia
Borsch: calorie content of the dish in its various variants
Difference between ego and superego

Difference between ego and superego

According to Sigmund Freud's theory, a person's personality consists of three components: the Id, the Ego and the Super-Ego. By interacting with each other, they form complex patterns of human behavior. The super-ego is the moral attitudes of a person. His ideas about what he should

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Original sin and expulsion from heaven

Original sin and expulsion from heaven

Career, business and money Adam is the name of a versatile person who has not only a penchant for sports, but also a predisposition for creativity. Adam has a huge thirst for knowledge and new sensations. He loves organization, order, certainty in

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Domestic weapons and military equipment
Where is the conflict between Oleg Tinkov and bloggers heading?
In Russia they propose to ban the free sale of three well-known drugs. Is Lyrica sold with a prescription or not?
The meaning of the male name Vitaly

The meaning of the male name Vitaly

All his actions are based on a huge supply of energy, which requires activity and self-realization. When he begins to set goals for himself, it seems to him that he knows the truth about everything in the world, which means he is guaranteed against failure, if he knows in advance

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